Saturday, August 11, 2012

Free Online Creativity Class

Quite a few people have emailed me asking "what's next?" I decided I didn't want to offer another fabric challenge because it was time for something new. For years I taught a creativity class and more than 10 years ago I tried to get it published as a book (my students kept asking) but alas no one would publish it. I looked into self-publishing but didn't have the funds to do it. So I've decided to offer it here if there is interest. I'll post the assignments on the first of the month and you have a month to get it done. There is also suggested reading and excursions. I can post photos on my blog or link to yours so people can see what you have done. If there is enough interest, I'll post the first assignment on September 1 so leave a comment.


  1. I'd love to give the class a try, and free is in my budget! Maybe it will be just the thing to help me get m y creative "groove" back :)

  2. I would be interested in this as well.

  3. I am definitely interested in a creativity class. Thanks for doing this on-line and for free.

  4. Count me in. Our 14th Biennial quilt show is Oct. 5-6-7 and I still have lots of duties associated with that. But we owe it to ourselves to feed our personal muse, don't you think??? I've just finished a piece for the "Find Your True South" show challenge--quite a stretch, but fun!
    Martha Ginn

  5. Maybe this would help me discover a new direction. How long would the class last?

  6. I am in. I found you after seeing "Why Quilts Matter." I didn't know what your website would be about, but I find it wonderfully eclectic. I am a reformed left brainer who is just finding herself a new life as a fiber artist, and any creative provocation I can get into my life can only spur me on.

    1. Eileen, Excellent. I hope you enjoyed the documentary. I look forward to getting to know you better. Hugs, Karen

  7. I am also interested in this! I could use some wind beneath my wings about now...

  8. I just heard about this. I would love to participate. Can I still sign on?

  9. Are you still accepting participants? I have one of your AAQI PQs and also saw you in the WQM series. This could be most interesting!!


Love comments! Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.