Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spirit Doll

I love how things evolve. Martha brought in leaf skeletons and said that she didn't know why she bought them much less what to do with them. I told her that I had used the leaves to make wings on one of my Spirit dolls. I've always loved making dolls. Anyway, I brought in the doll pictured here. She hangs on the wall of my office. She was a big hit with the women and since I had been trying to think of something that we could do as a project for Women of Juarez that was not so gloomy, this was perfect. I love how it all came together. After we finish the first round of quilts, we will be making Women of Juarez Spirit dolls. How cool is that? Karen


  1. That's a wonderful ideal. A spirit doll for every women of Juarez. Powerful and poetic.

    Miss you, Norka

  2. Norka! I miss you so much. Would you like to make a spirit doll? Let me know.


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