Monday, July 12, 2010

Florinda Malacara

 Florinda has not had an easy life. I remember how angry she appeared when she first joined the group. Now she works so hard and I'm watching her blossom. This is her second quilt which she titled "The Exceptional Slave/ La esclava excepcional."

Oney Judge was a seamstress for Mrs. Washington, but they also allowed her to play with Nelly, their granddaughter. They never allowed her to read and write. Her history reminds me of many stories of people in my community.

Oney era la costurera de la Sra. Washington pero además le permitían jugar con Nelly- la nieta de los Washington- pero nunca le permitieron aprender a leer. Su historia me recuerda a tantas historias de gente de mi comunidad.

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