Here are all of us (minus Raquel) together at the opening. My world is richer because of these women. Dolores Mercado (far left) is the person who invited me to teach. She is no longer with the Education Department at the museum but she still checks in on us. Two of the women pictured have decided not to do the next session with us. Our next project is to create quilts based on the women of Juarez, Mexico. Since 1993, more than 450 women have been tortured, raped and killed in Juarez. The women range in age from 10 to 28. They are all petite, dark skinned with long hair and poor women. The work that is being produced is amazing and I cannot wait to share it with you. Saludos, Karen
I miss you girls Say hello to all of them. I just got back from the operation and my neck is sensitive, can't talk or write to much. Just wanted to say that everything went ok.
ReplyDeleteTake care, Norka