Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Look to the Sky and Blossom

 My new Artist Trading  Card group, heARTist Trading Cards, with my talented friend Marie Z. Johansen, is up and running. I am thrilled! Linda Edkins Wyatt and Patty Van-Huis Cox are wonderful artists whom I have traded with in the past. Penny Stuart has also joined us, I love her enthusiasm and look forward to getting to know her.  Our first trade is the theme "Sky." I decided to try my hand at creating something that had movement and if you have followed my blog for any length of time, you know I love crows and quotes. I thought the Bob Dylan quote, "No one is free, even birds are chained to the sky," worked well. I can't wait to see what everyone else creates.

There is one opening in the group. We plan to keep the group at a maximum of 6 so that we can make great cards and not feel like we are having to mass produce. Let me know if you are interested.

Creating artist trading cards are a great way to explore and try new things. I also love being in communities that are supportive. You learn a lot about yourself. Marie likes to tease me that I am only feel good when I am ahead of the game which I have come to realize is true. And yet, I still consider myself a procrastinator. I view life as a continuous learning experience.

What calls us to create? Each calling is unique. No one responds to life the way you do. Emerson wrote, "To believe your own thoughts, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men--that is genius." Did you know "genius" come for the Latin meaning "in the spirit of a place"?  And as Ian Roberts said, "We give voice to how our spirit blossoms in the face of something that moves us." Here is to your spirit blossoming today.


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